Occupational Therapists can support children who need support in a range of different areas.
Expressive and Receptive language refers to the way we use and understand language.
Expressive and Receptive language refers to the way we use and understand language.
Expressive and Receptive language refers to the way we use and understand language.
Occupational Therapists can support children who need support in a range of different areas.
Autism Spectrum Disorder include: Austistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder
We can support your child with other disabilities, including developmental delays and intellectual disabilities.

The Speech & OT Centre can deliver assessment and intervention (therapy) services through a number of rebates and Government initiatives

The Speech & OT Centre offer a mobile service, so that we are able to come out to you. Our flexible hours mean that we can cater to your busy lifestyles.

The Speech & OT Centre is a Paediatric service. Our therapists can provide services in Arabic, Cantonese and Mandarin.